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After 247 days alone at sea, circled by sharks and almost run over by a tanker, 54-year-old Jim Shekhdar becomes the first person to row across the Pacific solo. Further proof that a determined person can do whatever they decide to do.... posted on Aug 16 2001, 569 reads


The average American throws out 1,656 pounds (618 kilograms) of garbage each year. That's about 4.5 pounds (1.68 kilograms) each day.... posted on Aug 15 2001, 551 reads


What would any mother do who had lost its children? Contact the police? Sometimes it can be a challenge to get their attention, especially if you happen to be a duck. But persistence pays.... posted on Aug 14 2001, 584 reads


A bee can haul 300 times it's own weight - that is equivalent to a human pulling a 30 ton transport truck.... posted on Aug 13 2001, 774 reads


We spend about 35% less time visiting with friends than we did thirty years ago.... posted on Aug 12 2001, 642 reads


... posted on Aug 11 2001, 692 reads


An international award celebrates the daily victories of a determined woman born without limbs but with a will to succeed. Though every move of every day poses a challenge - from answering the phone to powering up her desktop - she's not much for bitterness or self-pity. "Your life is what you put into it," said Rindfleisch, fresh off a whirlwind tour of Washington and an audience with Preside... posted on Aug 10 2001, 2,123 reads


Timothy Treadwell loves Grizzly Bears. In fact, he loves them so much he lives with them.... posted on Aug 09 2001, 1,035 reads


Sustained positive emotion has been correlated with increased cognitive flexibility and innovative problem solving, improved decision making, creativity, job performance and achievement.... posted on Aug 08 2001, 1,044 reads


Proving that there are still all sorts of exciting discoveries to be made, scientists have identified eleven previously unknown planets, one of which has the potential to support life.... posted on Aug 07 2001, 761 reads


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Food and medicine are not two different things: the are the front and back of one body.
Masanobu Fukuoka

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